
We do everything we can to protect our guests and owners from scammers, but unfortunately scams are very common and anyone can be targeted.

From time to time scammers target our owners, for example by sending them 'phishing' emails to obtain their personal details that might allow them to access their email accounts or other details. Every day people all over the world are targeted in this way, it's not unique to the travel industry and it's not unique to Sawday's. 

If you are ever in any doubt about whether you are speaking to a Sawday's owner, it's best to call them using the phone number we've provided. 

We do our best to protect you and our owners from scams:

  • We use the latest 'captcha' tool on our enquiry form (the tool that recognises if you are a human or a robot). This helps to cut down on the number of enquiries the scammers can send and therefore helps us find out about scams before they’ve been sent to too many owners, so we can warn our owners to look out for a new scam.
  • We have a scam blacklist. Email enquiries from this list go to an email address we control so that we can see the latest scams, whilst keeping you and our owners safe from them.
  • We send our owners regular emails warning them about current scams and encourage them to keep an eye on Action Fraud's published list of current scams.
  • We're in the process of updating the enquiry confirmation email and page to include the owner's email address and phone number, so you are familiar with their contact details and can verify them when they respond to you.      

Action Fraud lists a lot of current scams ( and is also the place to report any scammers: Action fraud also recommends

Always be vigilant online and never share your personal details with anyone. Remember, if you are in any doubt about whether you are speaking to a Sawady's special place owner, call them using the phone number we've provided on our site.

Happy and safe travels!


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